He Stinketh

Divine Service
In John 11:38-39, Jesus said unto them take ye away the stone. Then Martha the sister of Lazarus said, “Lord by this time he stinketh for he had been dead four days”. Martha represents, faithlessness and hopelessness. Many are like Martha. Lamenting on how long they have been in their problem and believing that nothing can be done about their situation again, because they have already tried everything.
The Almighty God shall turn your misfortunes into fortunes and complete restoration shall take place in your life. God will perfect every area of your life and your glory will begin to speak after you have repented. Then the grip and hold of the enemy over your life shall be loosed. There are many champions but they are tied down. Anyone who has Jesus is a champion. You are a champion, nothing will stop you in the name of Jesus. Jesus Christ is that life that no other can give, in him we have our being.
The stone represents the limitations of life. What are the limitations that are standing with you? It can be from your father’s house or your mother’s house, it can be one mistake or error you committed in the past, it can be environmental factors etc. Many have been dumped like Lazarus because of these limitations. There is a spiritual stone that must be taken out of your life, out of your way. Jesus Christ is the life standing before your dead situation. Jesus will locate you and life will enter into you by force. Jesus will come to the location where the enemy has held you hostage for many years and that problem, that sickness and terminal disease will not identify with you again.

Wherever Jesus appears something glorious must happen. Pray that Jesus will appear at your troubled location. Once Satan and his agents see Jesus they will surrender, because the lesser power must bow to the greater power.

What is stinking in your life?

To be stinking in this message means there is no good story to tell in any department of your life. Persons might be smiling but there is a heavy load in their heart. All you need is repentance and to surrender so that Jesus can come in and bring you back to life. Jesus will appear after you have done everything and you have no hope remaining. Jesus is the restorer of life; he is going to appear at your troubled location. That area of your life you have given up, God is going to surprise you, he is going to give you a divine visitation. When you believe God and his word resurrection can take place for you. How long have you been stinking? How long have you been smelling? God will remove the garment of dependency and plant you on the location he has ordained for you. You are going to make a difference before you leave this earth. By the resurrection glory, by the resurrection power it shall come to pass. You shall be sprayed with the perfume of the blood of Jesus, and all the things that are stinking and smelling in your life shall be removed in the name of Jesus and your life will begin to attract good things again. All you need to do is to repent and surrender, for the perfect will of God to come in and you will know that this life is sweet. Beloved, I don’t know how long you have cried but today is your day for victory. Job cried, his friends mocked and ridiculed him, his wife left him, but he refused to give up. In Job 42:10-16, it states that when Job began to pray for his friends, things begin to change for him in the realm of the spirit. There was a gathering and collecting together in the spirit realm of all that was scattered, of all that the enemy had stolen. Job became richer than what he had lost. God gave him beautiful daughters and handsome sons. His end was more glorious than the beginning. This battle in your life shall turn into laughter and your testimonies shall be loud. This year is a leap year, you are going to leap over your limitations in the mighty name of Jesus.

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How to come out of the stinking grave and valley?

  1. Believe that everything is possible with Jesus. For with Jesus Christ everything is possible.
  2. Repent from all sins and surrender all ungodly habits.
  3. Always see Jesus by your side. It is what you desire you will get. It is what you expect you will see.
  4. Stick to the word of God and do what the word of God says. You need to live an abiding life this year. The thief cometh but to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10a) it is now manifesting in this end time. Make sure you have a local church and be ready always because Jesus can come at any time. We should not forsake the assembly of the brethrens (Hebrews 10:25).
  5. Always be in the mood of thankfulness, praise and worship. God has promise that he will never fail you. His faithfulness is forevermore. (John 14:18), Jesus said he will not leave you comfortless he will come to you. What you are expecting from the Lord shall surely come to pass.
  6. Stay in fellowship and remain prayerful.

Prayer Points

  1. O God my Father let your mercies lift me out of the grave in the mighty name of Jesus.
  2. O Lord let your mercies take me to the location where I will hear your voice in the mighty name of Jesus.
  3. Holy Spirit inspire me to greater wisdom in the mighty name of Jesus.
  4. O earth (x3) hear the word of the Lord, henceforth co-operate with my destiny in the mighty name of Jesus.
  5. By the power of resurrection, I shall make a difference before I leave this earth in the mighty name of Jesus.
  6. This year whether the enemy likes it or not I shall leap over my limitations in the name of Jesus.
  7. Thou mercy of God open the door of deliverance and move me to the divine location where Jesus Christ will meet me in the name of Jesus.
  8. Lord Jesus Christ my personal doctor and physician touch my body and loose me from my infirmity in the name of Jesus.
  9. Evil arrows in my body, that is hindering resurrection, hear the voice of glory, jump out and die in the name of Jesus.
  10. Symptoms of failure manifesting already in my life, die in the name of Jesus.
  11. My business, my career, my education hear the voice of resurrection arise and shine in the mighty name of Jesus.
  12. O earth (x3) open your mouth now and swallow the devourers already working in my life in the mighty name of Jesus.
  13. Rough ways of delay standing before me as a mountain hear the voice of resurrection, clear away in the mighty name of Jesus.
  14. Favour extraordinary that produces threefold testimonies locate me by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.