Cancelling the Verdict of the Witchcraft House

Wednesday Deliverance Service
For many of us the family that we came from, there are traces and elements of witchcraft. They hide behind religion but their real master is the devil. Many of us don’t want to face it. There are blood relations that have covenanted with the devil to make life difficult for others. Some have mortgaged the destiny of their children and sell them to witchcraft.

You need to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the following:

  1. The spiritual foundation of your father’s house and your mother’s house.
  2. The spiritual foundation of your biological father and your biological mother. Also ask about the spiritual foundation of your relatives, siblings, husband/wife, children etc. Ask God who are they? If you ask diligently with an open heart God will show you some visions and dreams, that is how you will know the root of your problem.
  3. Enquiry about the spiritual foundation of all the houses you have ever lived, including the one you are living in now, does your problems come from these houses?
  4. Ask the Holy Ghost to reveal the spiritual foundation of the churches you have gone before. The spiritual foundation of the pastors that lay their hands upon you and prophesied to you. Enquire what type of problem did you derived from them? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the foundation of your present church and pastor. Ask the Holy Spirit who is your present pastor, was he called by God?

What is witchcraft?

  1. Witchcraft is operating without the spirit of God.
  2. To bend people’s destiny. To remove it from God’s blueprint into Satan own agenda.
  3. To twist people’s glory, virtue and star.
  4. Witchcraft is extreme wickedness.

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What is verdict?

It means pronouncements, conclusions and judgement. I don’t know what witchcraft has written about you, but whatever pronouncement they have made must be cancelled in the name of Jesus. Lamentations 3:37, who is he that can say a thing and it cometh to pass when the Lord commandeth it not.

Seven characteristics of a witchcraft house:

  1. Religion – they are religious, they perform all kinds of religious activities, but they are not spiritual. They are not interested in spiritual things. They are not rooted in the word of God, even though they are active in various groups in the church. They use it as a cover up. They are like the Pharisees; they are not ready to change. Religion is not Christianity; it does not agree with God’s commandments.
  2. Idol worship – They are not ready for change and revival.
  3. Prayerlessness and powerlessness – they don’t pray together.
  4. Disagreement – the family never agree on anything. They never plan together. They are a goat and bull family. They will end up fighting if they decide to come together to plan.
  5. Disunity – Wherever there is consistent disunity that house is a witchcraft house (Micah 7:2, 6). One witch/wizard in your family can turn the whole family against each other. They don’t want you to work together. They want to hinder the progress of the family.
  6. Prosperity without love – one family member might be very rich but will not help others in the family that is in need of help, because of the covenants they have made to the devil.
  7. Delay in marriage – they will allow the man to become useless before he remember to marry. They will allow the females to pass fifty years before they start going to church to look for someone to marry. The devil will allow you to waste your youthfulness.
  8. Educated but not productive, no job.
  9. Hardship and chronic poverty – poverty and hardship does not care if you are handsome or beautiful, whether you are educated or not, it does not care. As long as there is something in your foundation that the devil will use to deal with you, he will deal with you.
  10. Rise and fall.
  11. Parents alive but all the children dead.
  12. Tragedies and disasters – diverse tragedies and disasters will happen to members of the family, one will be in an accident, another will be killed by hired assassins, another will fall from a two storey building, fire will burn another in the house or at the office etc. It continues to happens and everyone keep quiet. It means that an evil man or woman is in that family. Pray that you will not pay the price of the evil and wickedness perpetrated in your father’s house and your mother’s house in the past in the name of Jesus.
  13. Childlessness – they have done everything to conceive to bear a child but nothing happened because of witchcraft.
  14. Shedding of innocent blood – they kill themselves and other people through witchcraft, because of that, curse come upon them.
  15. Terminal sickness and incurable disease. Some terminal sicknesses and incurable diseases are programmed. They are evil arrows that will manifest into something physically. When you go to the doctor they give you a name.
  16. Sudden and untimely death, all of a sudden someone will just wake up and complain for pain then die. The wicked will trigger something to take someone away.
  17. Prevalence of curses.
  18. Backwardness and failure.

The Verdict – (the things they might say that is responsible for the battles that you are facing):

  1. Over my dead body – for example over my dead body will you marry, bear children, succeed in life etc.
  2. I will deal with you and I will show you. Don’t take it lightly, anyone who has said that to you go into three days fasting against this person, because that person is of the devil.
  3. They may say none of your children will live long, you will not eat the fruit of your labour.
  4. They might have decreed that your children will be useless. Some parents died because of the shame and disgrace their children brought to them.
  5. Your verdict might be; you will never marry.
  6. They can say that anyone that live in this compound will go home empty handed at the end of the day.
  7. They may say you will never pass this level.

Matthew 12:36-37, every idle word that men speak they shall give account of it on the last day. What did they say about you? Is your name a byword? Do they hissed when they call your name?

What we need to do?

The only thing we need to do is to be genuinely born again and begin to do warfare against witchcraft.

Prayer Points

Exodus 22 : 18, Deuteronomy 18 : 10 - 12, Revelation 2 : 20 - 21, Ezekiel 13 : 18 - 19, Revelation 12 : 1 - 8
  1. Holy Ghost take me to the root of my problem and tell me what to do in the name of Jesus.
  2. Any wicked power blowing dust into my life, catch fire with your dust and get out of my way in the name of Jesus.
  3. Any talking serpent with the human voice, assign to bite and poison me to death, be electrocuted by the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.
  4. (Colossians 2:14-15) Every evil record and accusations kept against my name and that of my family members catch fire, burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.
  5. Every evil finger hired to write petition against my name whither in the name of Jesus.
  6. (Psalm 31:18) The voice of Jezebel calling me at night during sleep, by the power in the blood of Jesus be silenced in the name of Jesus.
  7. O God that killeth without remnant, take over my battle now and disgrace my enemies in the name of Jesus.
  8. Every witchcraft household wickedness that is allowing me to waste my youthfulness die in the name of Jesus.
  9. Bondage of household witchcraft, break release me by force in the name of Jesus.
  10. Every witchcraft covenant that want to kill me before my time, by the power in the blood of Jesus, break and lose your power in the name of Jesus.
  11. I will not pay the price of the evil and wickedness perpetrated in my father’s house in the past in the name of Jesus.
  12. I will not pay the price of the evil and wickedness perpetrated in my mother’s house in the past in the name of Jesus.
  13. By the divine pronouncement of Almighty God in Isaiah 3:10, where it is written go he and tell the righteous it shall be well with him I command my captured blessings and glory to come back in the name of Jesus.
  14. Every evil decree of “you shall be worthless” issued against my head in the witchcraft house, be revoked in the name of Jesus.
  15. Every mark of you will never marry placed upon my life by witchcraft be erased by the blood of Jesus.
  16. Every evil pronouncement from the witchcraft house that captured my glory, backfire release my glory in the name of Jesus.
  17. Every curse issued in my father’s house that is not allowing me to make progress, by the power in the blood of Jesus, break and lose your power in the name of Jesus.
  18. Every curse and evil vow issue at the gate of my family that said my children will not marry, backfire go back to sender in the name of Jesus.
  19. Any blood relation that cursed my destiny, by the fire of the Holy Ghost, vomit my destiny and die in the name of Jesus.
  20. My breakthroughs trapped in the witchcraft house, by the power that pull down the wall of Jericho come out by fire in the name of Jesus.
  21. Bondage of the witchcraft house, I am not your candidate break and release me in the name of Jesus.
  22. Yokes of the witchcraft house that makes me to be living a circular life, by the power of the Holy Ghost, break and lose your hold in the name of Jesus.
  23. My glory what are you still doing in the house of witchcraft? By the power of resurrection come out by fire in the name of Jesus.
  24. My virtue what are you doing at the altar of the witchcraft house, by the anointing of the Holy Ghost, run away by fire in the name of Jesus.
  25. Any blood relation that tampered with my star and that of my children, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus.
  26. Struggling oil, failure oil, disappointment oil I inherited from the witchcraft house, by the power of the blood of Jesus, dry up by fire in the name of Jesus.
  27. Every evil decree by the wicked sister and brother in law that it will not be well with me and my children, by the power in the blood of Jesus, be revoked in the name of Jesus.
  28. Resurrection power deliver me now from the grip of the witchcraft house in the name of Jesus.
  29. Evil load of the witchcraft house in my life, by the power of Almighty God fall down and die in the name of Jesus.
  30. Every terminal sicknesses and incurable diseases I inherited from the witchcraft house, by the power in the blood of Jesus be terminated in the name of Jesus.
  31. All my blessings and testimonies scattered by the witchcraft house, by the command of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, gather yourself together and locate me by fire in the name of Jesus.