Prayer for me and my Family

Wednesday Deliverance Service

Maybe you are not in a good relationship with your parents. The Holy Spirit is speaking to you saying remember they are your parents. Maybe you and your brothers and sisters don’t have a good relationship there are quarrels and unforgiveness amongst you. The Holy Spirit is speaking to you saying remember that you are siblings (Psalm 133:1), behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Unity is power, your siblings are suffering, you are suffering and not making progress because there is no family unity, it is a wakeup call. Lack of unity opens the door for the devil to come in.

Your problem is on the inside and not on the outside. The more you realize the problem and see that you are a part of that problem the more God will send help. If the mother and father does not work together, there is no way the children will be together (Hebrew 13:1), let brotherly love continue. Some persons are so embittered towards each other in their family. They are even still angry with their dead mother and father. (Romans 12:10), be kind and affectionate towards one another. Stop waiting for your siblings to come to you for peace and forgiveness. Take the first step as a child of God. Stop waiting for your mother and father to come to you, go to them, no matter what they have done to you. (1 Peter 1:22), see that you love one another with a pure heart. What is happening in the Middle East today is because of what happened between the brothers Jacob and Esau. It is also derived from Hagar son Ishmael and Sarah’s son Isaac. Love is what sustains a family, when there is no love the enemy reigns.

What causes family crisis, disunity and backwardness?

Matthew 13 : 25
While men slept enemies come in and sow tares amongst the wheat.
  1. Parental failures – when the mother and the father did not play the role of parents. They are busy blaming each other and fighting themselves. Many are suffering because of the failure of their parents.
  2. Wrong foundation – a woman should not bring up children alone. It is an assignment for both the man and the woman. The woman is to care and protect, the man is to supervise and discipline to make sure nothing goes wrong. As you can see things are falling apart things are no longer at ease. A young man or woman that started family without a Godly foundation and without a plan can result into a broken family.
  3. Parental mistrust – where parents cannot trust themselves. The mother is doing something in secret that the man does not know, likewise the man is doing something in secret that the woman does not know. These things empower Satan in their lives. There are some mothers that decide what happens in their son’s home and in their daughter’s home. They are in charge and it should not be so.
  4. Seed of preferential treatment – loving some children and hating the others. Do you really receive genuine love? If the answer is no; it is affecting your life now and you don’t know. Forgive your parents and you will prosper, study Genesis chapter 27 very well.
  5. No parental tutelage – they are not together so they don’t care. They don’t provide proper training and upbringing for their children.
  6. Lack of co-operation between siblings. Those your brothers and sisters in the family do you work together? You need to co-operate; you need to let go. Have you ever sit down with your brothers and sisters and make a plan how to move the family forward? The disciples move forward because there was love amongst them.
  7. The absence of true love – love is the key. You have to affect people with love. Not vengeance with vengeance and hatred with hatred. Instead show love, true love conquers error.
  8. Unforgiveness – there is so much unforgiveness in families. It is the reason many families God created to be rich are poor.
  9. Hatred and envy – don’t allow the seed of hatred and envy into your family. Don’t entertain competition amongst your children. Each child has their own journey, don’t push them in another’s pace. Don’t show that you love one child more than the others.

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Prayer Points

  1. Unchangeable God intervene in my life and family for change to take place in the name of Jesus.
  2. God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob intervene in my situation and turn my family around in the name of Jesus.
  3. Every seed of the wicked that is not allowing me and my family to come together, be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus.
  4. Foundation of division and disunity I inherited from my parents, by the power of the Holy Ghost scatter and let me go in the mighty name of Jesus.
  5. Every seed of you will never make it in my family that is affecting my life negatively, die in the name of Jesus.
  6. Every parental seed of backwardness that is producing negative result in my life now, die by fire in the name of Jesus.
  7. Parental bondage that is holding me captive now, by the power of God, break and release me in the name of Jesus.
  8. Every seed of the enemy that divided me and my siblings, die in the name of Jesus.
  9. Every family evil tree of you will never make it that is scattering my labour and that of my siblings, dry up to the root and die in the name of Jesus.
  10. Every evil seed from my husband’s family that is causing problem for me and my husband be removed by the blood of Jesus.
  11. Every evil seed from my wife’s family that is not allowing peace, love and progress to take place in my marriage, die in the name of Jesus.
  12. Every evil seed in my family that makes children to become vagabonds, my children are not for sale, release them by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
  13. Every evil seed planted in me on the day of my conception, die in the name of Jesus.
  14. Any wicked trouble maker in my father’s house in charge of my problems, within six months release me and die in the name of Jesus.
  15. Any wicked trouble maker in my mother’s house that is not allowing me to lift up my head, die by fire in the name of Jesus.
  16. In-law problem, in-law confusion, in-law hatred my life is not your candidate die in the name of Jesus.
  17. Any uncle sitting on a mat against my life, you are a liar, die in the name of Jesus.
  18. Any aunty that use witchcraft and divination to cage my destiny, hear the word of the Lord, release me now and die in the name of Jesus.
  19. Any brother that went on an evil journey to frustrate my life, suffer spiritual accident and die in the name of Jesus.
  20. Any sister who have chosen to serve the devil in order to frustrate my life, you will not prosper die in shame in the name of Jesus.
  21. Every evil covenant entered with darkness by my father that has turned my life upside down, by the power in the blood of Jesus break and lose your power in the name of Jesus.
  22. Every evil covenant entered by my mother with darkness that has caused failure in my life and my siblings by the power in the blood of Jesus break and release us in the name of Jesus.
  23. My glory that left me due to the wickedness of the wicked, hear the voice of resurrection and come back in the name of Jesus.