Overcoming Limitations

Divine Service

Many are laughing on the outside, however, their inside is full of pain, discouragement and frustration. If you are in this situation, ask God to give you a new heart. For when you carry all your battles to Jesus in prayer, victory will be yours. No man can limit God, no problem, no disappointment and no enemy can limit God.

Are you speaking in bitterness and sorrow? Job 10:7, Why are you complaining? All you need is to believe and have faith that with God all things are possible. In your current circumstances don’t allow the enemy to drive you into the valley of fear. When you change your attitude towards the word of God you will experience a great change. God created you to perform signs and wonders. Your God is an unlimited God, there is nothing he cannot do for you. We are limited because we continue to look at the enemy and not at the cross of Calvary. As the songwriter says, “because he lives I can face tomorrow”. He lives in you, so why are you afraid of what the enemy can do. All things are possible with Jesus in your life, in your battles, in your circumstances. The devil has a short time with you that is why he is making every effort to stop you from entering into your glory.

God has made everything beautiful in his time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). God is an unlimited God, he has unlimited power. No one can stop God from performing in your life, it is only you that can stop it. So why looking at others as the cause of your problem? God is your refuge, why are you troubled? (Psalm 48:2-3). Forever his word is settled in heaven. God is a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). If you cannot overcome your enemy, it means you have not invited Jesus into your circumstances, it means you have closed your heart against Jesus. You need to have patience, when you request something from God, you need to learn to wait upon him and be still and know that he is God (Psalm 46:10). He has assigned seven perfect angels to you every day to perform seven different assignments on your behalf.

What is limitation?

  1. It means entrenched impossibilities. Maybe a wicked power has declared that no matter how educated you are, no matter how hard you work, you and your siblings will never make it. There decree can only stand when you close your mouth and do nothing. When you accept Jesus and allow him to work in your life their decree shall not stand. God said, “I am the God of all flesh is anything too hard for me”, (Genesis 18:14). Jesus is the mighty man in battle, he is the captain of the heavenly host. Lamentations 3:37, who is he that can say a thing and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not. Satan and his agents are limited, but the God you are serving is an unlimited God. There is a time appointed for each person and the wicked shall not stop it, ninety-nine days is for the thief and one day for the owner. You shall not die before your glory appear in the name of Jesus. Pray that you live to see your time appointed. Every spiritual limitation that has bound you all these years shall break and no longer have power over you in the name of Jesus. God shall remove you from the satanic bus stop and place a new garment upon you and promote you.
  2. Inability to breakthrough, many of us our name has become nearly, “I nearly get that job, I nearly get married, I nearly pass that exam etc”. Break through must be the daily portion of a true child of God. You are not supposed to be limited. If you are finding it difficult to experience breakthroughs, you need to pray like a mad prophet.
  3. Failure to cross a certain mark. The enemy says you and your family will not pass this level, this is where you will stop. Any mouth that says nothing good will come out of your life, because God is not involved in these utterances, it shall not stand neither shall it come to pass. It is the promise of God that will stand, it is already well with you. There is nothing too hard for God. Your eyes shall see the goodness of the Lord (Zechariah 8:6). Whenever you are going through a difficult time as a child of God always look to the word of God and rest on his promises. Jesus says, “the thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”, (John 10:10).

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Seven problems of limitation

  1. It hinders the seed of transformation from manifestation. Wherever Jesus appears changes shall take place, darkness shall give way.
  2. It stops destiny fulfilment. There are many graves in the cemetery, with giants in the Lord buried with their destiny and glory unfulfilled. There is a purpose why God created you and me, if it is not fulfilled you will go to hell. Every hindrance to your destiny shall give way, the blood that Jesus shed on the cross shall redeem you. You need the cleansing and the redemption of the blood of Jesus.
  3. Limitations prolongs and sustains problems. When there is limitation, it keeps you into a problem for many years. Enquire why the problem refuse to go. Your limitations could be coming through your mother and father and past relationship, it could be coming from laying of hands by false prophets. It is limitations that causes delay and disappointment. Daniel 10:12-14, there is a power that is standing between you and your glory.
  4. Family line failures, you discover that the failure of your grandparents manifested in your parents and it has begun to manifest in your life and your siblings. You need to start praying enough is enough prayers, so that it will not manifest in your life.
  5. Limitations open the door for continuous disappointment. You have done everything you can and it still does not work out because of limitations.
  6. Limitations leads to frustration, discouragement and depression. God is sending help to you so don’t give up. Discouragement is dangerous, the first thing it does is to remove your interest from God, then you receive the tongue of criticism, then you begin to hate Christians. After which, you begin to stop going to church, at this stage the devil will now pocket you, and you will be moved to the level of frustration. This is where you will now enter into worldly pleasures such as sexual immorality, alcoholism seeking comfort and happiness to drown your frustration. This will only transport you to the valley of depression where you will become a living corpse; walking around physically but everything about you is dead. If you are in that situation you need to cry out to God for help.

How to overcome limitations?

  1. Genuine repentance and total surrender to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.
  2. Obeying and fulfilling the ten commandments. Read the book of Deuteronomy, Isaiah and John very well with understanding.
  3. Standing on the foundation of righteousness, Godliness and holiness. The God we are serving is a holy God.
  4. You must engage in Holy Ghost inspired warfare prayers at all times.

Prayer Points

  1. Yokes of impossibilities, break in the name of Jesus.
  2. Let the love of God open the door of laughter for me in the name of Jesus.
  3. By the mercies and grace of God I shall live to see my time appointed in the mighty name of Jesus.
  4. Every appearance of darkness at my appointed hour, by the power in the blood of Jesus, disappear in the name of Jesus.
  5. Every parental limitation that is blocking my way, by the super blood of Jesus, be removed in the name of Jesus.
  6. Every Pharaoh in my secret battles, hear the voice of I am that I am, manifest and die in the name of Jesus.
  7. Destiny robbers hear the word of the Lord, restore sevenfold and die in the name of Jesus.
  8. Ancient warehouse, by the power of resurrection open, release my blessings in the mighty name of Jesus.
  9. With the hammer of Almighty God, I nail to death the witchcraft powers in my life in the name of Jesus.
  10. My destiny helpers where are you? Appear by fire! in the mighty name of Jesus.
  11. My Father (x3), give me a testimony of a new song and a new dance in the mighty name of Jesus.