Defeating the Wicked Agenda at the Hour of Glory

Divine Service

For every child of God, there is what is called the hour of glory. It is that hour; it is that time the enemy will strike at you when you are not ready. Your hour of glory is like your unguided hour. The enemy will start getting ready to attack you when it seems like your hour of glory is near. Pray that your secret enemy will become known to you in the mighty name of Jesus. You have the blood of Jesus upon you, when they see you they know you. So you need to pray that you will be able to see your enemies around you and that God will give you the eye to know who you are.

They killed the Lord but they did not have peace. Any troubler of a child of God will never have peace. Why? Because they know the judgement that is awaiting them. As the bible said there is no peace for the wicked (Isaiah 48:22). If the enemy has never given you a bad name you are not a child of God. They called Jesus a deceiver in the passage Matthew 27:62-66. When they did not succeed to bring you down they will give you a name. That name they are calling you will lead to something great in your life. There is a resurrection that is waiting for you in some department of your life. It might be your marriage they have killed, it might be a body organ they have destroyed, it might be because of the anointing of God and the gift of God upon your life why they are beating you down. Nothing can put you down, nothing can shut you up. That is what they want to do, they want to shut you up.

Not because you are not seeing your breakthrough now, not because you are not seeing your next level now, it does not mean that heaven has not prepared it for you. Heaven has prepared it for you, but heaven is waiting for your hour of glory. Each person has his/her own time appointed, everything is turn by turn. Pray that you will live to see your own turn in the name of Jesus. And that is the agenda of the wicked they want to stop you from experiencing your turn, they want to stop your hour of glory and manifestation. The devil is a liar. They knew whom Jesus was so they tried everything to stop him; if they did it to the Lord Jesus what they would not do to you. You are the one that is seeing your problems, what they are seeing is your coming glory. Your prayer from today should be that God will blind their eyes and close their ears, not to hear and not to see your coming glory.

They wanted to stop the world from witnessing the resurrection of Jesus. So they wanted to suppress the resurrection. They put a stone of hindrance on the grave of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the purpose is to stop what should happen. But our God is a big God. Whatever hindrance they have placed at your door of glory, for you not to experience any good thing, at the time of angelic visitation, those stones, those weapons shall be rolled away in the mighty name of Jesus.

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Who are the planners of this wicked agenda?

  1. A close and intimate partner/relation, these are the most dangerous enemies we are fighting. They know everything about you, all your secret, so they know how to catch you (Psalm 55:12-14). Judas Iscariot was a close partner and friend to Jesus and he betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Watch out for this enemy.

What do they want to do?

  1. They want to silence you.
  2. They want to stop you from moving forward, they want you to be roaming around in a circle.
  3. They want to wipe you out of existence, they want to kill you and put you in the past tense.
  4. They want to separate you from God, and turn you to become God’s enemy.
  5. They want to stop your testimony; they don’t want you to tell your story.

How do we defeat this wicked agenda?

  1. Stay with God and his word. The word of God never fails nor changes.
  2. Hold unto Jesus, never surrender. Jesus said he will not leave you comfortless.
  3. Remain standing on the foundation of Godliness and holiness, their agenda will never succeed in your life.
  4. Engage in Holy Ghost fasting and prayer frequently.
  5. Forgive at all times. Despite the pain Jesus was enduring in Luke 23:34, he said Father forgive them for they know not what they have done.
  6. Scatter their evil unity (Isaiah 44:24-26), God frustrate the tokens of the liars and make diviners mad.
  7. We must be genuinely born again.

Prayer Points

  1. My rough ways clear away, my opportunities appear in the name of Jesus.
  2. Any wicked power that has vowed that my life will remain like this, you are a liar, die in the name of Jesus.
  3. Jesus Christ of Nazareth my Saviour open the door of glory for me now in the name of Jesus.
  4. No matter my condition, because Jesus lives I shall witness my hour of glory in the name of Jesus.
  5. O God my Father arise give me the grace to manifest the anointing and glory of Jesus Christ in everything I do in the name of Jesus.
  6. Every wicked agenda assigned to make me cry backfire in the name of Jesus.
  7. Any problem in my life assign to make me to deny Jesus Christ die in the name of Jesus.
  8. Lord Jesus Christ my healer and deliverer pour your blood on me and set me free in the name of Jesus.
  9. O God arise make honey out of the rock for me in the name of Jesus.
  10. Every mouth that is open against my breakthrough by the fire of the Holy Ghost shut up in the name of Jesus.
  11. Every mouth that has vowed that deliverance will never take place in my life you are a liar die in the name of Jesus.
  12. I sit on the head of the strongman tormenting my life in the name of Jesus.
  13. O Heavens hear the word of the Lord release my portions in the name of Jesus.