Breathe on me O Lord

Divine Service
Many have started the year 2024 in a spiritual deficit. Many have lost direction and have already started complaining. The enemy has made many to become ordinary dust without life. When God touches you today you will become a brand-new man full of life. God will give you a new breath; the breath of life.
Many have started this year with snail like movements in different department of their lives, every anointing of snail movements in your life shall dry up in the name of Jesus. God will make you a spiritual moving machine again and you will become what God want you to become. God will see you through. By the words of Jesus Christ our Lord, I declare you shall rise again in Jesus name (John 11:23). There is something coming for you that the enemy cannot stop and that is the breath of the Almighty God. God has put on each one of us the garment of a champion. The situation of our lives is that there are voices that are saying no to the yes of God in our lives from the day we were born. It was originated from our foundation and that is why he send Jesus to redeem us.
The purpose of this message is to revive the life in you. Don’t listen to the devil; for his way is darkness. Jesus Christ is the light, go towards the light. It is easy for the enemy to destroy things but they don’t have the power to recreate. God can both destroy and recreate so fear him. Your soul is the most important thing to God, he wants to reposition you so that the devil will not destroy you easily. Then he will add the material blessings, so be patient and wait for your time. When you find God first then you will find the path of life. Pray that God will crown your days with goodness, but first of all that he will preserve the life that he has given you.

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There are things we need to do before the breath of God will come upon us:

  1. We need to reconcile with God. Many don’t understand the nature of God (Isaiah 45:9). Know whom God is and what he wants you to do.
  2. Go back into the word of God and stay there. This is a strange year. It is only those that stay in the secret place of the most high God will overcome this year. It will be a year of joy for the redeem.
  3. We need to seek Jesus, encounter him, know him and make him our friend (Matthew 6:33), seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you. You need to seek deeper. Have you seek Jesus? Have you entrusted your destiny to master Jesus?
  4. Forgive yourself; many are still blaming themselves for what they have done many years ago. Jesus is a symbol of forgiveness, he took your offence and nailed it on the cross. Jesus said Father forgive them for they know not what they have done. You have been forgiven by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Look forward and only believe. There is power in believing, it provokes confidence.
  5. Start putting your house in order, because your visitation is near (Isaiah 50:7-9).
  6. Revive your prayer altar.
  7. Live a life of contentment.
  8. Wear the garment of praise and worship this year, no matter what should happen; worship him and praise him always. Be ready at all times, this place is not our home we are in transition. While we are here let us praise and worship Him.
  9. Learn how to give God and his Son chance in our circumstances. We need to step aside and allow God and his Son Jesus Christ to take over our battles.
  10. Confess the word of God every day, a minimum of five bible verses.

The only thing that will not make the resurrection power of God to manifest in our life this year is sin, so we need to repent of all our sins and it shall be well with us in Jesus name.

Prayer Points

  1. O Lord crown my year with your goodness in the mighty name of Jesus.
  2. Every stone of hindrance prepare to stop me this year, by the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus Christ be rolled away in the mighty name of Jesus.
  3. O Lord in this leap year open the windows of heaven for my blessings to locate me in the name of Jesus.
  4. O God arise this leap year manifest your power in my life in the mighty name of Jesus.
  5. God of signs and wonders let your spirit possess me now in the mighty name of Jesus.
  6. Fire of God baptize my body, soul and spirit in the mighty name of Jesus.
  7. Let the first fruit blessings for the month of January locate me threefold in the mighty name of Jesus.
  8. Breathe on me O Lord! (x7) in the mighty name of Jesus.
  9. By the word of Jesus Christ my Lord I declare I shall rise again in the mighty name of Jesus.
  10. Resurrection power bring my inner man back to life in the mighty name of Jesus.
  11. O God prove them wrong in the name of Jesus.
  12. Every good thing the wicked has killed and buried in my life receive the breath of God and come alive in the name of Jesus.
  13. By the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus Christ, I step aside for my creator to come in and move my life forward in the mighty name of Jesus.
  14. Let the wind of healing and complete wholeness blow upon me now in the mighty name of Jesus.
  15. Lord Jesus touch me with your finger now and let all the strangers living inside me flee away in the name of Jesus.
  16. Resurrection anointing cook me in the furnace of fire and set me free in the mighty name of Jesus.
  17. My marriage sleeping in the coven, receive the breath of God, awake, arise and shine in the mighty name of Jesus.
  18. My business or career tied down at the witchcraft altar, receive the breath of God, jump out by fire and prosper in the mighty name of Jesus.
  19. O God arise breathe life into every department of my life and change my story for good in the mighty name of Jesus.