They that Worship Him

Divine Service

Jesus told the Samaritan woman in the Gospel of John that the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth. God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. The question is, are you among that they? Where do you belong? We must be careful how we relate with our maker, our creator, our God. In Isaiah 45:9, “woe unto him that strive with his maker”. In Exodus 20:7, “thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”. In Romans 8:5-8, “they that are in the flesh cannot please God. Psalm 29 tells us about the greatness and the awesomeness of God. Whom do you worship? If you are worshipping God, do you worship God in spirit and in truth.

Our attitude towards thanksgiving, praise and worship, singing of hymns, fellowship and prayer is not good. Carnality has taken over these five things in the body of Christ. Flesh has taken over. Whenever you find yourself in the presence of God; whether it be in your home, church or wherever, do not follow the multitude. Always be led by the spirit, let your worship and thanksgiving flow from the inside. Make sure your songs flow from the word of God and the throne of God. Any hymn or song that does not have its foundation in the word of God it is from the pit of hell. Many of these songs are from the occult world, as you listen to them and copy them and follow them, the spirit that they carry will possess you. When you look at the behaviour and lifestyle of many Christian artists you will not see Christ in them; but they are doing it for fame and for the money that goes with it.

It will be better for us to go back to the ancient hymns, things will begin to move. These songs were given by inspiration (Job 8:32). What you see all over the world now is imitation and copyright, they don’t want to sing the ancient songs. Any song that is not inspired by the Holy Spirit is imitation and copyright. We need to wake up. Our thanksgiving, praises and worship, fellowship, prayers and singing of hymns are they on the side of the world or the side of God?

Some worship God out of their heart, and some out of strife. Which camp do you belong? Many will struggle to give God thanks. Many did not know that thanksgiving put satan and his agents in disarray. Many did not know that good praises attract immediate angels’ attention. Many did not know that worship draws the attention of God, that is the only thing God wants from us. If you remain in the presence of God, he will provide all your needs. You have to start preparing yourself (Isaiah 35:8-10).

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How do you worship God in spirit and in truth?

  1. Remain permanently in God’s presence through His word. The word of God makes you to know who God is, it makes you to know the statute and laws of God. It is knowing God and His word that will reveal Jesus Christ to you. God’s way is not our way, God looks at the heart and not what is on the outside.
  2. Constant studying of the word of God. As you go in and out of the word of God, deep knowledge and understanding will engulf you, you will have deeper knowledge and insight base on your commitment. A Christian without this is like a wind, many are confronting the kingdom of darkness without weapon, which is the word of God. The word of God will give you boldness and covering. The number one scheme of the devil is to make sure that persons don’t go to bible study. If you want to win the battle and the warfare of this time you must study the word of God (Joshua 1:8), make sure you meditate on the word of God every day and night.
  3. You need the partnership of the Holy Spirit, there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding (Job 32:8). You need to become the power house of the Almighty, so that you can begin to pray prayers that will touch the enemy and cause them to become uncomfortable.
  4. By involving yourself in corporate fellowship of the believers, stop isolating yourself saying God says you should remain in your house. Where two or more is gathered in God’s name he will be in their midst. Whenever you come to church there is a difference, in comparison to when you are alone. You should not forsake the assembly of the brethren (Hebrews 10:25). A lot of things can take place, miracles, new songs etc. because no man is an island, you cannot make it to heaven alone.
  5. By emulating the lifestyles of Christian models in the bible, example; Joseph, David, Deborah, Daniel, Peter, Philip etc people that knows how to give God thanks. When you hear songs that comes from the throne of God you will know. We should not let anything goes when we are singing songs. We must kill carnality at all cost and do things that pleases God every day. If you open your heart to worship God and forget your problems his presence will manifest. The angels will appear first, singing and blowing their trumpets and it will draw the attention of God and he will be please with you. One of the things that will make you to experience an encounter is when you have a personal upper room in thanksgiving, praises and worship you will produce a lot of result. Our praises and thanksgiving is the honey that God drinks.

  6. By operating in the realm of the supernatural. A Christian life without revelation, visions, hearing from God, heavenly dreams; that Christianity is a wasted time. That walk with God is just a struggle. You need to be operating in the realm of the supernatural. In 2 Chronicles 26:5, Zechariah had understanding in the visions of God. Pray that you will receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him and that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened (Ephesians 1:17-18).

There is about seventy percent of backslidden taking place in the churches over the world now; because carnality has taken over the sanctuary. We need to use these five weapons of; thanksgiving, praises and worship, fellowship, singing of hymns and prayer to take back the sanctuary.

What are we going to do?

  1. We need to wake up from our slumber (Ephesian 5:14). The time is short start getting yourself prepared.
  2. Be original, stop imitations and copyrights. Stop changing the words and the tune of the songs God has given his children. When you sing the original hymns and songs well, the angels will be clapping and God will be nodding his head.
  3. Change your strategy and hook up to the things that pleases God and the things that pleases God is praises, thanksgiving, worship and prayer.
  4. Surrender your life wholly and totally to Jesus Christ as your Lord and true Saviour and kill worldliness.

Prayer Points

  1. O God my Father clothe me with the garment of fire and protection in the name of Jesus.
  2. My Father (x3) give me the tongue of the learned for new thanksgiving, praise and worship in the name of Jesus.
  3. O God arise and cover me with your beauty, glory and power in the name of Jesus.
  4. O God my Father make a name for yourself in my life in the name of Jesus.