My Virtue Be Connected to the Door of Glory

Power Must Change Hands
Virtue is the seed of greatness in you, it is that seed God has given you to set you a part from others, virtue is that seed of achievement God gives you; every good and perfect gift is from above (James 1:17), even where others are failing you will excel. Virtue is that seed God place in you so that the oil of your destiny will never dry up. Virtue is that seed that attract favour to you and attract people to you. So you can see that your virtue will be the target of the enemy, that is why if you are not in any church where you receive information and where you can pray effectively you will not be able to overcome the warfare of this generation. The children of darkness are increasing in knowledge and technology, while the children of light are getting weaker and weaker. Jesus says in John 8:32; for you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. The information you have will determine how far you go.

Things to know if your virtue is under attack

  1. If you have brothers and sisters who are from different fathers and different mothers, you will be exposed to a lot of ups and down in the journey of your life, because there will be what is called spiritual pollution and fragmentation.
  2. If you have had sexual intercourse with different men in the past, you need to fight, because you have been distributed, you have been fragmented in the lives of those people and they are also fragmented in you. You have suffered what is called spiritual corruption and pollution, so you are not going to be the original that God brought out.
  3. If you have visited any false prophet man/woman and you obey all the lie they told you and do those things, you are in serious trouble; you need serious deliverance, you need serious purging, because any man or woman that is not of God that touches you will steal from you. Don’t just put your head and yourself to anybody for them to lay their hands on you because others are doing it. If you do, you might lose something.
  4. If you are experiencing constant manifestations of demonic dreams, no matter how you fast, no matter how you pray you still experience demonic dreams, that means your virtue is under attack and something is wrong somewhere.
  5. If you are always fearful, no matter how you study the bible, no matter how long you stay in prayer every little thing you become afraid. You are afraid that the next person beside you is a demon and will want to attack you, it means that you are no more the original that God has created, something is missing. Fear is not of God; you need to be bold.
  6. If you are finding it difficult to experience success, you look at yourself as time passing and you realize that you are going back to square one, you are in the same circle where you have started. Money don’t stay in your hand, once money enters your hand something will be telling you to go and spend it, immediately you finish spending that money you begin to see the right thing you could have done with that money.
  7. If you don’t experience internal joy you are always sad, you are not happy, no matter what others do for you and what you do for yourself, it shows that you are in a cage, it shows that something is wrong somewhere. That seed of joy, happiness and peace that God planted in you, God will replant it in the name of Jesus.
  8. If you cannot trust others and you are not confident in the midst of people, if you always feel endangered around others, it shows that your virtue is under attack.
  9. If there is broken relationship at the edge of breakthrough, person comes to marry you each time and when it is time to get marry the relationship ends and then another person comes and the cycle starts all over again.
  10. If you are experiencing delay child birth your virtue is under attack.
  11. If you are going through hardship and poverty. What is poverty? If your salary cannot sustain you, you are poor. If all the things you have now; your car, television, refrigerator, furniture everything in your house you got it on loan, you are poor. We need to chase hardship and poverty away. In Romans 8:2 it is written, for the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from death and bondage.

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Seven things you will gain when your virtue is connected to the door of glory:

  1. Peace and internal joy; even when you don’t have anything you will be full of joy and have peace.
  2. You will never lack help and helpers. God will send help from his sanctuary for you.
  3. You will remain steady on the way of progress and success, because your virtue is connected to the door of glory.
  4. You will discover the secret and the purpose of your earthly life. You will discover why God made you a citizen of Jamaica and why God made you a member of the family you are in. Are you fulfilling the purpose of your earthly life?
  5. The covenant of darkness and curses will lose their evil grip from over you. You will be released into the divine arena of God’s presence and protection. You will begin to recover everything they have stolen from you.
  6. Failure will be remove from your destiny; you will only be coming in contact with people who wants to move you forward.
  7. You will begin to serve God in spirit and in truth. No one will need to be behind you like little babies to go to church, read your bible and to pray. You will take the things of God serious and have time table in your home as to how you will serve God. Selfishness and excuses will go away.

Prayer Points

  1. My Father (x3)! Locate me with your favour in the name of Jesus.
  2. O God my Father, connect me with people that will move my life forward in the name of Jesus.
  3. (Raise your right hand and repeat 7 times) In the name of Jesus Christ my virtue is connected to the door of glory.
  4. Any blood relations that is playing with my virtue, your time is up, leave my virtue alone and die in the name of Jesus.
  5. Any blood relations that carried my virtue to the grave, angels of the living God go there and recover my virtue in the name of Jesus.
  6. Every trade by barter conducted with my virtue, that is in charge of my problem, by the power in the blood of Jesus, die in the name of Jesus.
  7. (Place your right hand on your head and left hand on your stomach) My virtue hear the word of the Lord reject bewitchment in the mighty name of Jesus.
  8. Doors of glory, gates of glory, heavens of glory my life is available be opened unto me now in the name of Jesus.
  9. My going out and my coming in, by the power in the blood of Jesus reject the works of darkness in the name of Jesus.
  10. Any witch or wizard on assignment against my life, die in the name of Jesus.
  11. Whenever I am close to danger and death, blood of Jesus and the fire of God appear and protect me in the name of Jesus.
  12. Cobweb enemies, cobweb attacks expire in the name of Jesus.
  13. Let the glory, beauty and power of God make a way for me in the name of Jesus.
  14. You the strongman hired to kill me, with the dagger of the Almighty God I stab you to death in the name of Jesus.