Lifting the Rod of Moses

Divine Service

There is an enemy in your life called Pharaoh, for the purpose of this message Pharaoh simply means an evil King in charge of your life spiritually. Pharaoh represents the spiritual entity that is dominating, manipulating and controlling your life spiritually. That entity might be responsible for the sicknesses and diseases in your body, might be responsible for no husband or no wife in your life, might be responsible for no child in your life, might be responsible for the failures in your life; despite of your working hard. This entity is an evil King and the only power that can deal with that Pharoah is God and his Son Jesus Christ. If you want to have victory from today, you must have relationship with God and his Son Jesus Christ, because it is only God and his Son Jesus Christ through his word that will defeat this enemy in your life, through a weapon called the rod of Moses. You need to read Exodus chapters 7 to 14 to be able to understand the purpose of this message.

Pharaoh is that stubborn and unrepentant enemy in your life. You have done everything; you have fasted, you have prayed but you couldn’t stop that power, the more you try it is the tougher things get. You need three things to defeat this Pharaoh; (1) God, (2) the word of God and (3) Jesus Christ. Sometimes this enemy looks as if he is equal with God, as if he knows to do what God can do and has the same power as God; in Exodus chapter 7:8-25, God told Moses to tell Aaron to put his rod on the ground so that the rod will become a serpent. What happens? The magicians of Pharaoh did in like manner with their enchantments. Then God told Moses to tell Aaron to stretch forth his rod over the river for the water to become blood and the magicians of Pharaoh did the same thing. They behave as if they have equal power with God, but God is going to draw your enemies into the battlefield where they cannot escape.

The ten plagues in the book of exodus, is simply a sign of preparation for the time of glory, beauty and power of the coming Messiah. God is showing you what Jesus Christ will do in your life when he manifest; because during that time Christ has not yet manifested. So God was using man and different kind of things to put into place what is about to come. If you believe God and have faith, the miracles that took place in the times of old will also take place in your life. In Jeremiah 32:17, God said, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for me?”. God will turn your case around; he has the final say. The Egyptians in your life, their journey of defeat and surrender has come.

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What is the rod of Moses?

  1. It is God’s dynamic weapon to stop the wicked. Pray that the Lord will reveal the weapon of deliverance in your hands.
  2. The rod of God’s judgement upon the oppressors. Exodus 12:12-13, the Pharaoh in your life is a stubborn enemy and they will not surrender by the power of man but the omnipotent God.
  3. It is the rod of God’s separation of his children and he shall place them in a safe place. (Psalm 66:10-12)
  4. It is the rod of sorrows, pains, tears and death for God’s enemies. There will be a time in your life when your problems and enemies will show signs of submission. Exodus 10:7-11, Exodus 12:12-13, the last phase of your warfare and battle God will be in charge of it and God will conclude it with deliverance and breakthrough, God will conclude it with complete wholeness in the name of Jesus.
  5. The rod of Moses is the rod of God’s final and permanent deliverance.
  6. The rod of Moses is the rod of God’s power, God concluded it at the Red Sea.
  7. It is the rod of testimony for the chosen.

Prayer Points

  1. O God my Father, arise turn my life around by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
  2. Stubborn problems, stubborn enemies die in the name of Jesus.
  3. O God my Father keep me alive to experience my hour of glory in the name of Jesus.
  4. My time appointed is now in the name of Jesus.
  5. My God has brought my sufferings to an end and he has brought me into a wealthy place in the name of Jesus.
  6. I Am that I Am by thy great power lead me out of Egypt in the name of Jesus.
  7. Lord Jesus Christ the mighty man in battle, appear before the Pharoah in my life and stop them with force in the name of Jesus.
  8. Holy Ghost confuse my enemies with your anointing and fire and send them packing in the name of Jesus.
  9. Foundational task masters of my father’s house in charge of my problems, by the rod of Moses enter the grave by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  10. Foundational task masters of my mother’s house in charge of delay and childlessness your time is up surrender and die in the name of Jesus.
  11. Internal task masters living inside me, by the fire of the Holy Ghost come out by fire in the name of Jesus.
  12. Environmental task masters that single me out for punishment, O earth (x3), hear the word of the Lord, open swallow them in the name of Jesus.
  13. Witchcraft task masters holding me captive as a prisoner die in the name of Jesus.
  14. Serpentine task masters in charge of sickness and disease in my life, die by fire in the name of Jesus.
  15. Occult task masters wearing the tag of over my dead body against me, by the razor of Almighty God be cut to pieces in the name of Jesus.

  16. Task masters of the waters that refuse to let me go and enter into glory, by the fire of God die in the name of Jesus.

  17. Elders of misfortune pulling me down at the edge of breakthrough, by the machine gun of Almighty God, I shoot them down in the name of Jesus.