I Owe You Nothing

Divine Service

In John 19:30, Jesus said it is finished, that is why you owe satan nothing. Whatever satan and his agents are demanding from you, Jesus had paid it all. God send Jesus for the following reasons:

  1. To replace the corrupt and polluted old order.
  2. To plant us into a new divine pathway; so that we will be able to key into God’s divine agenda.
  3. To cancel our sins that has become an impediment; that is why he shed his blood.
  4. For us to be a part of the new foundation that God has laid for us through Jesus Christ. The foundation of holiness, righteousness, Godliness and love.
  5. To wipe away our ugly past and start something new. When Jesus look ahead and saw the victory he said it is finish.
  6. To prepare us for the battles ahead. Everything good is opposed by satan and his agents; that is why they are fighting you.
  7. To enjoy the newness of life that comes with Jesus. Jesus said in John 10:10; “The thief cometh not, but to steal, kill and to destroy, I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”. So the battle in your life is that abundant life that the devil does not want you to enter into.

You owe satan nothing, the debts they are demanding you to pay because of the evil your parents committed, because of what your husband/wife did etc that have given them a legal ground to refuse you to have peace. The reason you are still in that position is because you have not yet encountered Christ. Christ has not yet revealed to you. If Christ was revealed to you, all these will bow before you because the bible said that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians 2:5-11). When Jesus said I thirst and it is finish, Jesus has placed your problems under you, he has given you the authority and power to overcome them. The reason they are still tormenting you is because you are just being religious, you have not yet known Jesus. Anyone who has met Jesus Christ is an overcomer, no matter how tough the battle is, no matter how strong the enemy is, no matter how challenging the situation is you shall overcome; because Jesus has given us the key on the cross when he said I thirst. That thirst is not talking about he wants to drink something, he is looking forward for boys and girls, men and women that will be filled with fire that will carry on where he had stopped.

All you need is an encounter that will make you to know him and his Father and having the Holy Spirit as your friend, so that you will be able to deal with the devil. In 2 Corinthians 5:21 it is written, “For he has made him to be sin for us who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him”. The problem before you is nothing before you. There is a giant that Jesus has planted in each and every one of us and that giant is righteousness. By having the right standing with God Christ will be revealed to you, you will know the way of the master and you will have the keys of the kingdom of heaven, to bind and cast out (Matthew 16:19). We are the beneficiaries of the covenant promise of that blood that was shed on the cross, that death on the cross and the resurrection. Anywhere we enter we should be operating in signs and wonders, we should not be operating in fear. He gave you that same power and grace through his death. We need to come out of the valley of complain, we need to come out of the valley of fear, we need to stand on the mountain of manifestation, where we shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass. You need to speak to that sickness, tell that sickness in your body that Jesus has paid it all, this my body is filled with the blood of Jesus, you have no right to stay in this body, I owe you nothing therefore in the name of Jesus come out. You need to speak with authority. Jesus rose from the dead on the third day for us to be victorious all the days of our lives (Matthew 8:17).

Whatever is your fear, whatever is your trouble all you need is to issue a command to stop satan, to stop the enemy from demanding anything from you, accusing you, reminding you of what has been done in your family, of what you have done in the past or reminding you of whom they are because they know that you are empty.

You need the following things:

  1. You need the reveal Christ, no one that comes in contact with Jesus Christ will remain the same. Anywhere Jesus appear change will take place.
  2. You need a divine encounter, pray that you will receive an encounter of glory and power. Without an encounter in your life as a Christian you will be like a flowing river, you will be like a wind. You need an encounter that will let you start hearing from God, that will rewrite your history. That encounter is through the word of God. The church needs to go back to the word of God this is the source of your power. Let’s go back to bible study, this is what make the church to be strong. You need the word of God and visitation.
  3. You need availability, give time to God. If you give time to God, he will give time to you. We make ourselves more available to the world than to God.

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Prayer Points

  1. O God arise and bring me back into your presence in the name of Jesus.
  2. State your problem (for example sickness, poverty etc.) then say, In the name of Jesus I owe you nothing.
  3. Blood of Jesus remove my darkness in the name of Jesus.
  4. Blood of Jesus clear my roughways away in

  5. Arrows of paralysis searching for me and my family to harm us, back fire in the name of Jesus.
  6. Let the glory, beauty and power of God overshadow me now in the mighty name of Jesus.
  7. Holy Ghost overshadow my life now in the name of Jesus.
  8. My Father (x3) put a new garment of joy on me in the name of Jesus.
  9. Every enemy of progress that is standing before me now, fall down and die in the name of Jesus.